2021年4月28日 星期三

2021年4月21日 星期三

2021年4月18日 星期日

Tu me regardes - Angèle


2021年4月14日 星期三

死亡 是一種說法


Sometimes he speaks of overcoming death. The word overcome is one of the words poetry needs. To overcome means to outdo [dépasser], but to outdo what outdoes us by undergoing it, without turning away from it or aiming at anything beyond. Perhaps it is in this sense that Nietzsche intends Zarathustra's formula: "Man is something that must be overcome." It is not that man must attain something beyond man; he has nothing to attain, and if he is what exceeds him, this excess is not anything he can possess, or be. To overcome, then, is also very different from to master. One of the errors of voluntary death lies in the desire to be master of one's end and to impose one's form and limit even upon this last movement. Such is the challenge of Igitur: to assign a limit to chance, to die centered within oneself in the transparency of an event which one has made equal to oneself, which one has annihilated and by which, thus, one can be annihilated without violence. Suicide remains linked to this wish to die by doing without death [en se passant de la mort].



                                                       -   Maurice Blanchot, The space of literature

2021年4月12日 星期一

the fatal promise of a future song - Michel Foucault

The law averts its face and returns to the shadows the instant one looks at it; when one tries to hear its words, what one catches is a song that is no more than the fatal promise of a future song.


                        Michel Foucault, “Maurice Blanchot : The Thought from Outside 

2021年4月11日 星期日

小帥 的傷


小帥受傷  右後腳瘸著  依舊堅持  早上要坐車車  到草地  廣闊的地方  曬清晨的陽光


看牠抬著腳  穿過忠義國小的欄杆  抬著腳      回望我   

我的擔憂  更深


是舊傷  2015年被機車撞 髖關骨脫臼  肝臟破裂  住院3個多月

這些天  Hachi跟我睡一起  我一翻身  壓到牠的右後腳  舊傷復發


看了2天醫生 吃止痛藥 1/    Q10  3/  過敏的藥 2/


讓藥物的進食  加劇

我抱著牠下樓  24.9公斤  再上樓 不肯讓我抱的帥小狗  一陣混亂  我拉傷了右大腿  而左腳踝的傷  還在



  運動傷害  讓我倆忙和著  忙和著 

我懂 我們彼此的依賴  和照顧 

減重   漸進  必要具體實現



2021年4月7日 星期三

Sur la lune - Bigflo & Oli


2021年4月6日 星期二

The Hound of Heaven - Francis Thompson

I fled Him, down the nights and down the days;

I fled Him, down the arches of the years;

I fled Him, down the labyrinthine ways

Of my own mind; and in the mist of tears

I hid from Him, and under running laughter.




'Ah, fondest, blindest, weakest,

I am He Whom thou seekest!

Thou dravest love from thee, who dravest Me.'

2021年4月1日 星期四


 「向死而生」(memento mori,拉丁文直接意譯為「記著人之必死」)

我想的是 「向生而死」,會有一個斷點,在那,


撐得住在生命裡消失的人的莫名,是嗎 ?

那一個 未知的斷點